Water Systems & Pumps

Sales & Service / Emergency Repairs
24/7 Call or Text:
(315) 484-5959 | (607) 218-8744 | (518) 323-6959

AMBER WATER PROS offers only the best pumps, water systems and service available featuring Goulds Pumps® and Franklin Pumps®. We exclusively install the best materials many of which are not available from our competitors. Therefore providing a system that is the finest available and worry free for years to come.
We employ experienced full-time pump personnel whose only job is the installation, service and testing of pumps and water systems including well pressure tank service & replacement.
We install the most superior water pumps available that are more efficient than those offered by other companies. On average we pump the same amount of water with less horsepower. This saves our customers significant $$ for years to come!
We also install the industry leading Well-Rite® Well Pressure Tanks that have a long history of being the best available and come complete with a antimicrobial liner on the lower half of the water chamber! Well-Rite® tanks are made here in the Northeastern USA, just 5 hours away. See our Pressure Tank page.
We are the only local company that only installs Certified No Lead 100% Stainless Steel Tank Tee Assemblies, Pitless Adapters and Fittings.
We custom design all of our systems to specifically suit the needs of the customer, the application and to provide long term reliability. All of our systems come with an industry leading Standard 7 Year Warranty on the submersible pump, motor and pressure tank.
We prefer to use USA/North American-made products!

Water Systems & Pumps Services

Pressure Tanks

We Have The Tank For You!

We have the largest inventory of Pressure Tanks in Upstate New York! Small to large, short or fat and even In-Well® Tanks that actually go right inside the Well for applications that do not have room for or are concerned about freezing conditions of standard Pressure Tanks.

Our Flexcon® Tanks carry a full 7 year 100% material replacement warranty from date of installation.

We are the only local company that only installs Certified No Lead 100% Stainless Steel Tank Tee Assemblies and Fittings .

well tank

Steel vs Fiberglass Tanks

For years we’ve sold the blue colored steel tanks. These tanks worked well but had an unacceptable premature failure rate and often times rusted in less than ten years. With the advent of the newer Flexcon® Fiberglass / Fiber Wound Pressure Tanks with 100% Butyl Rubber Silver-Ion-Infused Anti-microbial Liners on the lower half of the water chamber. These tanks have proven to be a much better choice for our customers. Flexcon® Well Pressure Tanks have a long history of being the best available! Flexcon® tanks are made here in the Northeastern USA, just 5 hours away.

Benefits include:
  • No rusting out
  • Lower failure rate (less than 1/2 of 1%)
  • Much less condensation (sweating) than steel tanks
  • Do not plug up with mineral deposits where the water comes into the tank.
  • Certified No Lead Stainless Steel fitting on the tank inlet

Best of all, they cost less and offer longer cycle times than their comparable steel counterparts. Longer pump cycle times means a longer lasting pump life and lower electrical bills.

However, for the die hards, we do carry the full line of blue steel tanks including Goulds® and Well-X-Trol® products if the customer desires.

Pressure Booster Pumps

Constant Pressure Booster Pumps

Our DAB line of pumps are excellent in applications from replacing old jet pump and pressure tank boosters, cistern storage system pumps and boosting municipal water pressure. Available up to 2 HP and flows from 1 – 80 gallons per minute and the integrated ability to be hooked in tandem, they are ideal for residential, commercial and farm applications.

Constant Pressure Systems

Variable Frequency Drives (Constant Pressure Systems)

Do you enjoy the water pressure of hotel showers? Wouldn’t you love to have that type of pressured water, every day, in the comfort of your own home?

A variable frequency drive (VFD) is a type of motor controller that drives an electric motor by varying the frequency and voltage of its power supply. The VFD also has the capacity to control ramp-up and ramp-down of the motor during start or stop, respectively.

There are many reasons why we may want to adjust this motor speed:

  • Save energy and improve system efficiency
  • Convert power in hybridization applications
  • Match the speed of the drive to the process requirements
  • Match the torque or power of a drive to the process requirements
  • Improve the working environment
  • Lower noise levels, for example from fans and pumps
  • Reduce mechanical stress on machines to extend their lifetime
  • Shave peak consumption to avoid peak-demand prices and reduce the motor size required

E-Z DRAIN™ Systems

Drain Your Seasonal System With Ease!

Do you have a seasonal camp, lake house or water system that needs to be drained in the winter months to avoid freezing? Our exclusive E-Z DRAIN™ Systems provide an easy way to drain your system in just minutes without taking apart plumbing or blowing lines out with compressed air. Recharging the system again is as easy as flicking a switch. Call our Water Pros for more details.

Off Grid Solar and Hand Pumps

Hand Operated or Motorized, we have the solutions for you!

Our complete line of Off Grid Solar and Hand Pumps are the best for almost any application. They can be installed in almost All Wells and can even be installed in Wells along with electric submersible pumps. They require dramatically Less Effort than other Hand Pumps and have both Solar and Battery options. They can pump directly into your Pressure Tank, can pump from 325′ static Water Level and have DC Motor Add-on capabilities.

Commercial / Municipal Water Systems

If You Need A Lot of Water

Amber Water Pros is a leading provider of pump systems and on-site maintenance and repair services for Commercial, Industrial and Municipal Water Pump Systems in New York State. We focus on serving the needs of pump end-users to optimize the performance and reliability of their pumping systems. We not only service but in-house engineer and provide systems of almost any design and size, according to your needs. For emergency situations, we stock submersible pumps up to 60 Horsepower with all components and can have emergency submersible pumps built with a 24 hour turnaround time at our Build Center.