Sure, We Can Do That!
Call or Text 24/7:
(315) 484-5959 | (607) 218-8744 | (518) 323-6959

Specialty Services
Industrial / Mining / Oil & Gas / Construction
- Project Design
- Consulting
- Management
- Cost Estimating / Accounting
- Oil & Gas Wells – Petroleum Engineering
Specialty Services:
- Air Hammer Drilling (DHD) to 30″
- Angle Drilling
- Artesian Flow Controlling
- Barge Drilling
- Blast Hole Drilling
- Borehole Camera Investigations
- Borings
- Borehole Geophysics
- Caisson & Pile Installations
- Cathodic Protection
- Cementing / Grouting
- Conductor Casing Sets to 24”
- Construction Drilling
- Dewatering Wells
- Down Hole Perforating
- Dual Rotary Drilling
- Exploratory Drilling
- Geothermal Drilling
- Mud Rotary Drilling
- Pre-Drilling
- Pressure Testing
- Remote Access Drilling
- Rock Anchors & Sockets
- Tank Rentals
- Well & Borehole Abandonment
- … and more!